Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Aladağ: at a distance of 105 km to Adana
This is a district in the ancient ruins dating from the era of ruinous medieval castle,
The Broken Church is very important ruins Akören town. The 40 km distance
Acısu drinking, the Meydan plateau in Bığbığı "cave is located.

Ceyhan: Adana Provincial Center 47 km away. 1097
After the occupation army has suffered in the crusader Armenian Kingdom, Egypt
Kölemen the Dulkadir Beyliği and lived through the Ottoman Sovereignty. Ottomans
time Yarbisi "," Yarsuvat "took names. Adana Ceyhan road
over 700 m. impressive over the four-sided solid rock the length of
Snake is looking at the castle.
Ulucami, Mecidiye Durhasan Dede Mosque and Tomb
are available.
At the town of Ceyhan Kurtkulağı District Kurtkulağı Kervan
Palace was built in 1711 is a year old Aleppo Kervan way
is over.
After the south-west cairn Yılankale'nin largest Tepebağ
on the banks of the River Ceyhan in tumulus Tumulus Sirkeli a big rock on the Hittites
The king is seen in relief Muvattali'nin beard and long dress.

Feke: City Center is 121 km away. Byzantines and
Is an important settlement of Armenians in time, there are finds.
Mahal in 1945 in the hills of the Byzantine mosaics in the floor of the temple
has been removed. Feke castle in 12th yy. 'or the Byzantines by the Seljuk
It is the thought. Our country is one of the most suitable rivers for rafting
Goksu in this district are available. There are a large number of plateaus.

Karaisalı: City Center 47 km. distance. Wheat
a structure is not located 8 km. Milva is a castle in the north west.
17 km. in 1912 by the Germans in the west German Bridge, 12 km.
to the south near the village of Altınova history of the Silk Road route fractions Han
are available. Places to see and Kızıldağ mall Yerköprü plateau value.

Karatas: City Center 47 km. distance. Geographical
position with a city of great importance in the first age. Magarsus referred to as the
5 km to the city of today's settlement. to take place in the west. By the Greeks
was built with black stones, with the same stone from the church
Land for the church, later to be burned by the Greeks has been destroyed, Burns
The church took the name.
There are two inns of the Ottoman Karataş'da stay. Bazaar
inscription written on the stone from the door into built in 1608 is
is understood. The other han han Mar Ali at market range by
It was built in 1782. On the Ramsar Convention Akyatan Bird Paradise
and lakes in this county.

Kozan: City Center 72 km. distance. Sis by name
BC referred to County 19. century until the first half of the sovereignty of the Hittites has been
the Assyrians, the Persians, Macedonians, Selefkuslar, Romans,
Byzantines, Seljuks, Armenians lived and Ramazanoğlu sovereignty. Kozan
The castle was built by the Assyrians. Important works of Hoşkadem
In 1448 the Sultan of Egypt Kölemen Abdullah mosque by Hoşkadem
was built.
Kozan's 22 km. 2 km south east of the village Dilekkaya.
As an island in the remote hills rising above the city Anavarya BC 9. century
Was established by Assyrians. Rock tombs, churches, cisterns, such as works
The ruins are reached today.
Moreover, 18 kinds of sea animals, showing
Anavarza mosaics are available.
Mall location and the plateau Dağılcak
is known.

Pozanti: 116 km to the City Center. distance. Geographic
Because of the location has been set the stage for important events in history. United Macedonians
Alexander, brother of the Abbasid Caliph of Mutasım Pozantı'dan satisfied the famous
are statesmen. Old and new Annaş'a castles, the most important passages of the Taurus
Strait is the entrance to the Gülek. İskitler the time
it is thought.
Between the plateau Kızıltabya Tekir Gülek throat and
Castle was built by the Egyptian Ibrahim Pasha Aktabya.

Saimbeyli: Adana Provincial Center at 156 km distance. Old
Hacin'dir name. Independence War in 1923, showing great heroism
Stroke is the name given to district Hacınlı Saim. The Armenian castle and church
In the ruins of the Middle Ages is understood that Armenians here have mastered.

İmamoğlu district of Adana province, 45 km. away Adana,
Kozan, Feke, Saimbeyli, Tufanbeyli are on the road. Underground city
are available.

Seyhan: Adana's Central District is 05.06.1986
became a separate district on.
The area of the town, many
has set the stage for civilization.
The main work of the town of Big Time, stone bridge,
Oil mosque, Yeni Mosque, Bazaar bath, baby and churches, homes, etc. old Adana.

Tufanbeyli: 200 km to the City Center. distance. Hittites,
Roman, Byzantine and Armenian kingdom was experiencing a very old settlement period
is the place.
20 km of the town. to the northeast of the Hittite religious center in the position of
The "Şar" Comana names are identified by city and Hieropolis. Roman remains
open-air theater, Byzantine church ruins, the main goddess of the temple gate
The ancient city is reputed Alakapı are robust structures remained.
south of the village near the ruins of the burial mound of Doğanbey, west Hanyeri
Hittite monument is near important work.
Tufanbeyli'de of it, other
hieroglyph inscriptions, columns and building ruins, rock tombs that are still
to stop.

Yumurtalık: City Center 81 km. distance. Ancient
In the age of "Aegaea" as an important port city known as Yumurtalık 13th
With the second half of the 14th century At the beginning of the century, sea and overland
Goods from India and Venice sevkedilmesiyle best Cenova'ya
lived through the period.

The castle's most important works in District Ayas, Süleymaniye Tower and
Is Markopolo Pier.

Yüreğir: Today center position in district Yüreğir'in en
important work on the banks of the Ceyhan River in the location of today was established Yakapınarı'nın
Misis, Rome, and have maintained the importance of Mameluke period. The capital of Iran satrap
Yavuz Sultan Selim in 1517 by the Misis to the Ottoman lands
participated. 4th on the Ceyhan River century Byzantine emperor Flauius
By Constantinus the "Misis bridge" is a bridge near the 9-eyed
Rome basilica mosaics intact, water belt, stadiums, public baths, a caravanserai, mosques
Today, in a state of ruins.

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