Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Adana Archaeological Museum
Republic was established in 1924 immediately after the declaration. Therefore, Turkey's oldest museum, is one of the top ten. At the museum, especially Gözlükule, Yumuktepe, Sirkeli and Misis removed in excavation, Çukurova's rich history to light in the original works. In Adana city center, a large garden and four large rooms in the museum of our prehistoric days of the revolution many works are exhibited.

Ethnographical Museum
Was built in 1845 Kuruköprü neighborhood place, but later abandoned the church building is designed as a museum. "Old Museum" as well known in the museum, Çukurova living in villages and nomad of the Taurus is very rich articles are exhibited.

Atatürk Museum
Museum building, the old historical center of Adana Tepebağ'da, 19 century were made of the traditional Adana houses. Two storeys, oriel, break the roof, masonry is a building. Because of this feature, the Ministry of Culture "Protection of Immovable Cultural Assets Required as" has been registered and protected. This house belonged to Pasha Ramazanoğullarından Suphi Turkey Ulu Önder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Republic, 15 March 1923 together with his wife Latife Hanim had guests. Building, Atatürk Scientific and Cultural Museum of the Corps Commander Bedrettin Derneği'nce time Demirel's leadership and the expropriation of the people has been restored with the help and in 1981 was opened to visitors. The 15 days of arriving in Adana Atatürk March each year, with official ceremonies are celebrated in this museum.

Misis Mosaic Museum
Museum in 1956 to protect Misis Mound was established from the resulting mosaic. Belonging to the Byzantine era in the mosaic floor of a church in Hz. The animals during the flood of Noah's ship has been described. Is depicted in the mosaics of animals live, how much further is the art of mosaic showing Çukurova are examples. Museums, historical sites and other mosaics brought from Adana Archeological Museum and also is enriched with architectural pieces.

Anavarza (Dilekkaya Village) Ruins
Ceyhan district of Adana, Kozan-Kadirli way about 20th km is close to the village Dilekkaya. A large rock in the middle of Cukurova suddenly rising in front of the mass has been established. During the Roman Empire "Anazarbus" as is. The city's Roman empire almost no information about the transfer date is not before. Of the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus'un, that power with Pescennius Niger during the war, which holds by Severus'un city Severus'un win the 194 in a single judge of the empire that they are after the prize of the most brilliant period of history began to live. Kilikia in MS204-205, İsauria and state of the metropolis has been Likaonia. Anavarza, 408 in the ancient city was the head of state Kilikia. The city's castle, the Roman and Islamic periods and is on track. Surviving over the walls of the ruins of historical victory takk, kale, columns and mosaics has two pools are worth seeing. Today, as the activities are open-air museum.

Şar (SAR Village) Ruins
210 km to Adana on the Taurus Mountains. Tufanbeyli district 20 km away. The village is located in the northeast Şar. Şar, Hittite period "in a coma" name is known as an important center. Open-air theater also remain from the Roman period, Byzantine era church and the remains were built of marble blocks 6 m. neck in the "Space Gate" is a work worth seeing.

Misis (Yakapınar) Ruins
Misis ancient city, by the Ceyhan River, was founded on historical Silk Road, after a second passage is from Adana. Misis's history, ancient cities and on the date to the Neolithic Age, starting with the barrow. Misis said to be founded on Mopsos'un of the Trojan hero is. Hittite, Assyrian, Macedonian, and Seleucid history in the hands, Roman and Byzantine era was also an important center. M.Ş. 8. In the century since the reconstruction era was Abbasi. After years of domination by the Ottoman State in 1517 have entered the work that remains standing today in Misis MS 4. century mosaic floor of the basilica floor of a nine-eyed stone bridges, the acropolis walls, aqueduct and baths with ruins of Seljuk and Ottoman periods and the only domed mosque Kervansaray is remaining Havraniye.

Magarsos Ruins
Karataş district of Adana in the four-poster beach neighborhood. It is one of the ancient city Kilikia'nın important religious center Mallos'un the Magarsos, known as the temple, especially the prayer of Alexander the Great was the fame of the Temple of Athena. Sea along the city walls, theater, stadium, church ruins and baths to attract visitors.

Ayas (Aigaiai - Yumurtalık) Ruins
Dry the exact date unknown, Ayas (Aigaiai) as in the ancient city of Pergamum in the Hellenistic era, one of the world's three asklepieion temple was famous for. The continued development of the Roman Empire in the period of Ayas, Ortaçağ'dan east to the Mediterranean port city has become one of the most important angle.

Genoese and Venetian merchants, especially in the colonies established Aigaiai Harbor. Marco Polo travel to China in 1268 Celebrities in the traveler that was stranded in port, then you've completed the journey from the port of embarkation, and has returned to Venice. Ayas and Atlas also castles, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman period of three-storey observation tower was built in the Ottoman and Roman baths to increase the city's historical riches.

Akören Ruins
A town on the Taurus Aladağ district determined that the new Akören is a historical place. According to the research consists of two quarters over the ruins remained standing four churches, ruins of buildings and streets has been identified. Examination of the inscriptions from excavations of the Roman period and since this is used as is understood plateau.

Ceyhan and the relief-Sirkeli Muvattali Ruins
Located on the old road Misis-Ceyhan Ceyhan River in the village of Sirkeli is located on the edge of a rock mass.

Mound has Sirkeli soon. Muvattali Hittite emperor, Pharaoh of Egypt Ramses and the famous have been here and when you go to Kadeş War After this incident by the Hittites believe this place is sacred. The oldest in Anatolia Hittite relief Muvattali with relief that has a different significance.

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