Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Adana General Information

Il Traffic Code: 01

Area: 17,253 km ²

Population: 1,849,478 (2000)

Geographical location: Adana Seyhan River in the Çukurova in southern daglarinin Taurus was founded on. The Mediterranean Sea about 160 kilometers kiyisi Adana Europe, Asia is on routes connecting important.

Neighboring provinces: 90 km Dogusunda Osmaniye, Hatay 190km, north-eastern K. Maras 187 km, 332 km North of Kayseri, Kuzeybatisinda Nigde 205 km, 70 km Batisinda Içel.

Topography: (Daglari, Rivers, Lakes, etc.).

Middle East and road and rail connection is done via Adana. In this connection Gülek Bogazi'ndan saglanir Taurus. Il 49% yüzölçümünün mountainous, 23% and 27% plains and flat plateau area. Go south to the north of the Taurus are varinca height 2500 m. hang. Takes the form of the Mediterranean to the plains right Toroslarin skirt. Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers in Central Anatolia Mediterranean flows dogan. There are seven lakes in the Taurus Daglarinin summit. Seyhan Seyhan River and on lakes Catalan Dam, Ceyhan River Dam on the lake with Aslantaş, Karatas' paradise lakes are also Akyatan and Agyatan vomiting.

Iklimi: Adana features carried by the Mediterranean climate. Yazlari hot and dry, and kislari marrow yagislidir. The average rainfall 625 mm. 'Dir. Kisin Yagislar 51%, 26% in spring, fall, 18%, 5% yazin duser. The cold days in January (average 9 C), the warmest month Agustostur (average 28C).


Mediterranean climate features tasiyan vegetation, height of up to 700-800 meters in a section, mersin (Murti) (myrturs cummunis) sandal (Arbutus andrachne) kermes meses (Quercus coccifera), CINAR (platanus orientatis), wild olive (oleaeuropea sylvestris), maple cutting (philyrea latifolia), menengiç (Pistacia terebinthus), SAKIZ tree (Pistacia lentiscus), heather (Erica verticillata), Judas-tree (Cercis siliquastrum), black CALI (Paliurus spina), oleander (Nerium oleander), Okaliptus (ecalypus spp), etc. maki agirliklidir type. 800 meters from the leafy splayed mese (Quercus calliprinus), KIZILCIK (cornusman), bay (Laurus canseriensis), higher in the pine species (Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestres), ARDIÇ (junipearus), beech (fagun), toros göknar (Abies cilicica) , cedar (Cedrus libani) and 2000 meters with colorful flowers after the hero type çayirlar is a natural state of appearance.

Tuberous plants in the Çukurova region snowdrops (Galanthus plicus), wild cyclamen (Cyclamen mirabille hidebr), the island sogani, narcissus (narissus), hyacinth (ylacinthus) and similar plants rastlanir Frequently spring months.

However, in rural areas in the region grows, weasel (pampal) is the different types are known in Europe çiçeginin.

BC 1900 Luvi Kralligi (a branch of the Hittites), BC 1500-1333 Arzava Kralligi (Hittite separate from a group of eastern origin), BC 1900-1200 Hittite Kralligi, BC 1190-713 Kue Kralligi (Phrygian), BC 713-660 Assyrian Kralligi, BC 663-612 Cilicia Kralligi, BC 612-333 Persian Satrapligi, BC 333-323 Hellenistic period, BC 312-1333 Selökidler, BC 178-112 Karsunlar period, BC 395-638 Bizanslilar and M.Ş. 638 Islam Kralligi transfer the Armenians, the Turkish Memluklulari Egypt, Ramazanogullari Osmanlilar, 5 January 1922, Adana kurtarilmistir are occupied by Fransizlar. Thus, great civilizations throughout history and on separate, 18 separate political yapilasmaya has been witness.

Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers in the land of deltasinda installed efficient water Adana'nin history, geographical location because of the BC 6000 yillarina uzanmaktadir. Adana, ancient Cilicia region is one of the most important cities. Hittite from Osmanli'ya, come besigidir of many civilizations past. According to Greek mythology, son of Adi Adanus'dan almistir Gök tanrisi Uranus'un. In the Mediterranean Sea to the plains of the Taurus kivrimlar large deciduous Seyhan (Sarus) River kurumustur of kiyilarinda. Adana'nin centers in Tepebag höyügü, human life geçtigi neolithic period oglunun is located. Stand up to the date of the world s most M.Ö.6000 is one of the oldest settlements. Adana in the Federation, including the Hittites lerde Kiznuwatna Kralligi'nin Center when it becomes M.Ö.1350. BC BC 9.yy.da Asurlular'in 7.yy.da Iranlilarin hand geçmistir. BC 333 'which hosts the United Iskender and Adana in the army, then savasindan Issos Makedonyalilar'in, Iskender'in death geçmistir then Selefkiler'in hand.

BC 1. yy. also served as governor of the state in the region, the famous Roman state sovereignty Hatip Cicero entering time in Adana, Roma'nin East has the greatest trade center. M.Ş. 260'da Sasaniler'in, M.Ş. 4. yy. the Bizanslilar'in, 8 yy. of the Abbasi, 10, yy, Bizanslilar'in again, 11 yy. the Selçuklular'in, 12 yy. of the Armenians, 14.yy.da through it completely in the hands of the Turks has been Memlüklüler'in.

Çukurova from Central Asia to Turkish Mameluke State from the time the Turks, a new civilization on this fertile soil and water etmislerdir leadership kurulmasinda. Pyramos the name of the river Ceyhan, Seyhan and has the name of the river Sarus.
Founded in 1352 in Adana yilinda yilina until etmistir Ramazanoğlu beyligi 1517. At that time, go to Egypt once the Sultan Yavuz Sultan Selim, Adana'yi Osmanli Imparatorluguna baglamistir. Kanuni Sultan Suleyman 1535 yilinda dogu ÇIKAN to time to time to Bagdet ÇIKAN 1638'de Sultan IV. Murat to 1833'de pressing the Ottoman state and army removes Egypt hosts Pasa'ya governor's son Ibrahim yapmistir.

The 1918 end date of the First World struggle to beat the Turks started to struggle.

31 October 1918, the Germans came to Adana marshal Von Sanders'den LIMAN over Yildirim Mustafa Kemal Ordulari Komutanligi'ni, "War, the Allies may bitmis; I care about is war, war of our own future, but now starts" diyerek, Adana ' Kurtulus mark the first vermistir struggle. This region occupied Adana and ordinary enemy forces to baslamilardir. Purposes, the European countries support an Armenian state kurmaktir. 1918-1919 yillarinda, isgalciler, persecution and torture in Adana uygulamislardir. Adanalilar based organizations are not all these baskiya "Cilicia National Forces Teskilati" ni kurmuslardir.

5 August 1920, Mustafa Kemal, Fevzi Bey (Cakmak) and representatives in city center Pozanti'ya by coming here and Pozanti getirmisler the yapmislardir Congress. November 1920 and the French Government ugramislar to defeat ayinda Fransizlar, TBMM The Government officially tanimistir. 20 October 1921 Fransizlar'la "Ankara Treaty" signed. 5 January 1922 in accordance with Fransizlar this antlasmaya, Çukurova ayrilmislardir tamamen. Since then the city center to Adana tasinmistir.

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