Tuesday, March 31, 2009


District of Afyonkarahisar
Central District
Provinces in 1924 was. Central district in Ankara, Izmir, Antalya, Konya, Istanbul is located on the road. Area 1018 km2 and a population of 200,496 is. Afyon marble quarries and workshops, endüst-riyel business units, shopping centers and a center of industry and trade as well as historical and archeological ruins, living folklore values, termalizmi and was opened in recent years with certified plant is an important tourism center. At the same time, the United Attack of the host city is the land of the fallen veterans, and one of our provinces. All non-marine tourism in Afyon is possible to see the kind of tourism.

Provinces in the south end of 129 km to the city center district. Mountains were leaning away willow. Afyon-Burdur highway 23 km. In 1988, the district at a distance Başmakçı olmuştur. 369 km2 area of the town, population 15,772 is. Isparta, Kula, Ladik, Hereke type of carpet weaving, cultivation of roses, birds of paradise and a chicken farm with pain famous Lake District, Turkey is the center of the egg market. More roses in the district, sugar beet and poppy crops have been cultivated.

Afyon-Ankara highway 46 km to the city center. at a distance of Bayat in 1988 became district. 465 km2 area of the town, population 8773'dür. Most agricultural products are grown at the beginning of barley, wheat and poppy comes. The district draws attention with weaving rugs produced in the root dyed rugs Bayat, America, Japan and many European countries, has earned the reputation as take orders. İlçemiz enclave because of an old historical district near Kurtini, İnpazarcık, Asarkale, Elicek and Byzantine period Yanıkin residential areas and are worth seeing places. Pine and oak forests with an addition of four covered Köroğlu beli, location of the plateau, İnpazarcık, fountain, promenade and picnic site kalaylıtaş and forks are available.

Afyon-Konya highway over 13 km. City center 61 km inland. at a distance, on the ancient King Road and Eber Lake is located at the edges. After the opium of the Central District is one of the largest districts Bolvadin, the district has 1924. Area 926 km2, the population is: 83932 'dir. Economic life in the district are agriculture, industry and commerce is optional. District with its own name in the plains of wheat, barley, corn, chickpeas, beans, green lentils, Fiğ, sugar beet, poppy, sunflower grown with apples, pears, apricots, cherries, cherries in fruit such as are produced. In recent years, largely from pollution Eber lake, reeds, the face of the islet (kopā) with the name of hunting for fish in other countries have announced. Morphine, hydrate, codeine, such as the Opium mamülleri main clause, in the year 1981 about the pull Alkoloid factory production is between 50-90 tons. Our District is very rich in tourism and historical works. Eber lake, the spa Heybeli, Horan and the rest are leisure park. Municipal Museum was founded in 1987. Kırkgöz bridge, Burns Barracks, Lala Sinan Pasa Mosque, Mosque Alaca, Alaca Fountain, Bazaar Mosque, the Hacı Ahmet Mosque, Kırklar Mosque, Shrines, Kara Fountain, Ak Çeşme, Hacı Ahmet Fountain, Kemerkaya towns in the six cities, minarets in the town of Özburun in stream peribacaları , in the old district of Afyon homes and visited the cave and be seen are places İnsuyu.

Afyon-Konya highway on the city center, 48 km. Our county was founded in 1958 with uzaklakta. County area of 790 km2, population: 49981 'dir. Wheat, grain, sugar beet, hemp, beans, potatoes, sunflower, various vegetables and fruit on a large scale (cherry, cherry, apple) is grown. Also in the SEKA paper mill county district to provide employment opportunities to the public. Although based on very old history of our Province today is less than the number of historical works. Between natural beauty and Eber lakes are Karamık and hunting for fish in this lake, and a variety of bird hunting is done. Çağlayan park and the waterfalls of excluding them, Bloody preferred picnic site in place are around kavaklık. Historical works of the Seljuk mosques remain Görülebilicek and caravanserais important piece of work.

Shepherd and
25 km of opium. on a flat land to the east of the new districts have been established. Afyon province, depending on the center of the first organization established in 1956 municipalities, actual county has on 10.09.1991. History of the area and that old age Akarçay edge of the tumulus to the bronze age is known to lie down. Area 422 km2, population is 13,283 'roll. The main source of income is agriculture and animal husbandry district population. A big part of irrigated lands Shepherd, Afyon Sugar Beet is stored.

Dazkır the
Afyon-Denizli highway on the city center 140 km. In 1959, the county in which the distance was Dazkır. District's area is 444 km2, altitude: 832'dir.
Population: l5.453 'roll. District 60% of the population is living with agriculture and animal husbandry. Area sugar beet, hemp, beans, corn, alfalfa, sesame, strawberry, cucumber, apple, pear, apricot, cherry, walnut, mulberry, quince, wheat, barley, chickpea, lentil, sunflower, caraway, anise, cherry, plum, grown with almonds, pistachio yetiştiren the only district of the province. İlçemiz and sales departments with roots dyed silk carpet weaving has become famous. Wheat touched many countries from Silk carpets are preferred by tourists and is a major foreign market. Sodium sulfate, sodium sulfate is produced in 80% of the factory are exported abroad.

And on the Afyon-Antalya highway, 106 km away in the city center was founded in 1924 our county. Between the Mediterranean-Aegean region. Districts in central and southern Mediterranean region of the village, north of the village in the Aegean region. 1328 km2 in area population of 94,092 is. Known until the past year in the Dinar is M.Ö.1200. The Hittites, the Aka-ion, Frig, Kimmerler, Persians, Romans, Byzantines and Turks, with traces of many Anatolian civilizations Dinar, the former capital of the region has been continuous since the ages. History is the first music contest was held in Dinar MARSYAS Music Festival. People's source of income is based largely on agriculture and animal husbandry. County's significant historical, cultural and natural assets are. Danteon (slaves of the temple of God), Artemisia-Anaitis Temple, the ancient theater, the agora (place Sunday), the ancient stadium, suçıkan park, Pinarbasi, Karakuyu Bird Paradise, Norgaz Picnic Area, are Cerit and Zenderi plateau.

132 km from Afyon on the Afyon-Denizli highway. In a flat field was established at a distance.

Area 235 km2, the total population of 10,486 is. In 1991, the Evciler District, Central Anatolia is a plateau region of the drop-down to the Aegean coast. In cairn Environment pieces ranging from history Lidyalılara means. Today in our district, known as Kocahöyük and Küçükhöyük have two cairn. In the region Lidyalılar, Hittites, Phrygian, Persian, Hellenistic and Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks and Ottomans yaşamışlardır.İlçe economy-agriculture, and weaving on a hayvacılık.

70 km of opium. established in the north east is one of the oldest districts. Name; bogee Turkish settlement with the opening Emir Afsin from leaning have Emirdağ the district was established in 1924 yılnda. To go until the settlement M.Ö.1437 Emirdağ region. Region; Hittites, Lidyalılar, Persian, Hellenistic and Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks and Ottomans have entered under the dominance of the tracks are from this community. 2111 km2 area of the town, population is 47,162 'dir.Arazi structure at the beginning of agriculture and livestock products grows uygundur.İlçede for barley, wheat, sugar beet, chickpeas, green lentils, sunflower, and clover is hahaş. More sheep in the district are being trained, and is known throughout the country Emirdağ flavor of yogurt. Income at the beginning of the traditional handicrafts rugs. 100% and 100% madder Emirdağ wool rugs are being produced commercially and local designs and motifs are unchanged. Emirbaba, Golcuk, Plateau of Flowers, Balcan My Cave, Amorium historical sites and the Sakarya River are places that can be seen feeding over the Pinarbasi.

100 km to the city center. at a distance of 1990, the county has. Ranch in the mountains of the region very old bronze statue Hitit an important settlement since the period to give the impression that-te is. Coach of the name given for the establishment of the exact is not known 1300'lü in the settlement that, during that time period the settlements in the first 3 brothers came, and here the place, their father's "Coach" (Ulema) are outside the center of the where do you go so you are prompted "Hocagil'e" I am going, you are asked to go out "Hocagil'den" when they have arrived at this settlement population and replicated in others coming to this place outside of "teachers" was the name. In the area 537 km ², population of 13,751 is. People's livelihood is agriculture and animal husbandry. Generally, barley, wheat and poppy are grown.

Afyon-Ankara on the road and 23 km from city center. distance in our county, in 1987 became district. İscehisar is the name of the Turks from the neck Karahan name. Area 503 km ², population of 23,209 'dur.İlçenin economy largely based on the marble, but also has an important place in agriculture and animal husbandry. Districts with 80% of working population in the center of the village 20% of the working population is engaged in marble. Agriculture and animal husbandry activities are being carried out in parallel with marble. Marble, limestone suffered as a result of the meta-morfizmaya of rock types. Our country and the world is known and recognized as Afyon marble marble is covered İscehisar'da be removed. 2000 years in the marble quarries in the county-run potential of 500 * 10 m3 of marble reserves are calculated. Marble waste in various fields will be evaluated. Some of these include: Pharmaceutical, paint and chemical industry, construction industry, ceramic, porcelain and hard plastic products. Wheat varieties extracted Afyon marble cream, dirty yellow, sugar opium, opium rose, violet, and is covered pos.

35 km of opium. north of the nature and history as one of the most generous act of the county district in 1959 was İhsaniye. County area of 888 km2, altitude: 1093 m., the population is: 34224 'roll. Gazlıgöl spa and spa, the Phrygian rock monuments, Roman, Byzantine rock placement, burial chambers, some of the fairy chimneys and plateau is the center of interest. Ayazin, Kayıhan residential units, Kapıkayalar, Aslantaş, such as serpentine Maltaş and locations, the reputed tomb of the Phrygian period are the ruins of history. Moreover, the great mass of the nature of fairy chimneys and trim as the Phrygian region referred to a residential area of the region when this region is Frig's shows. Region Persian, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine people have entered sovereignty and can live up to our days of this civilization are found to work. Residential areas and Anıtkaya caravanserais Döğer remaining available Germiyanoğullarından a way to create a junction of the county and place of accommodation that is the strongest evidence. County economy, animal husbandry, agriculture, and if the trade is based less on. Connected to the District being in thermal mineral water Gazlıgöl is world famous.

Afyon-Antalya highway, the county was established at a distance of 3 km.lik, 87 km to the city center. away. In 1990, he became district. County population: 4126, 337 km2'dir the area. Name of the town as late as Kızılviran past, then the current name was Kızılören name. Agriculture and animal husbandry is the main source of livelihood. Most cereals (barley, wheat) cultivation is done. To protect the district's center and the mosque Ulu Cinar tree and the history of the city center where homes are worth seeing.

60 km to the city center. at a distance, Antalya-Denizli highway, İzmir-Ankara-Istanbul railway line was built on is one of the major settlements. In 1924 became district. Research of the town was founded Frigyalılar time has emerged as a result. Sandikli until MS395 in 1078, the period remained within the Byzantine administration. Turkish sovereignty in Anatolia in 1071 Malazgirt War Sandikli region of Afyon and Dolan's and to pass orders to cut Akdağ Sanduk by force, was taken completely away from the Byzantine people. Later in the Seljuk and Ottoman domination in the hands of the Sandikli Beylikler remained together Karamanoğulları. A short period of time during the Greek war of independence in the occupied kalsada not take this long.

Area 997 km2, population is 87,982 in this case. People in the mountain villages of the district animal husbandry, agriculture in the villages of the plain uğraşmaktadır.Daha much wheat, barley, chickpeas, Fiğ, sugar beet, hemp, potatoes, and cherries are grown. With spa and leblebi District is famous. Inside and outside the District Hüdai spa provides services to tourism.

With Sincan
Uşak-Afyon-İzmir highway on the city center is 33 km away. Your own name with the east-west and north-south extension in the plains of today traces of the ancient road junction has been established. District over time Hittites, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks and Ottomans have entered under the dominance of the XI: century under the Byzantine domination of the region, XII: the past century is in the hands of the Turks. Sincan with the Republic after 1934 remained in the village until this date has been from the township center. 01.01.1948 organization yılnda council was established in 1953 has become the county seat. 845 km2 area of the town, population is 57,936 is. County economy is agriculture based. The main products of the opium poppy are grown, wheat, barley, beet, potato, sunflower, apple and cherry are. Besides fattening bovine animals in the plains of the town population, culture, race is milk inekciliğide stage of development. Rather than being done in the mountainous parts Küçükbaş livestock and sheep and goats are raised. Tazlar village in the district within the forest picnic areas, the chief National Park, the United Attack of martyrdom, Çiğiltepe Colonel Reşat Monument, Yıldırım Kemal martyrdom, the Sinanpaşa and Kureşbaba (Painted) Külliye and Otuziki in the end Shepherd water where the lake is forty, Serban ponds are visiting are places to see.

Afyon-Konya highway 68.km. 'sin was founded in Sultandağlarının skirts, and in 1958 became district. Our District was established in an old copper era has past. Byzantines and the Seljuks to the west and east of the way time is beaten. In addition, the Silk Road in Anatolia-Baghdad passes a commercial importance with the won. 928km2 area of the town, altitude 1020., Population is 22,625 'tir. County's economic structure; Sultandağlarının with skirts between rail and lake Akşehir to fruit growing in the irrigated area may, in other parts of the district is based on grains and livestock. Industry and handicrafts have not really developed. Cherry, cherry and apple production in the district's economy is based on. To 80% of exports go to the cherry production and more than apples and cherries are put into the domestic market, fruit juice and the remaining kısmıda district konservecilik plants will be evaluated. Orchards and famous in the districts falling within the limits Akşehir lakes, and Eber, Taşköprü, Çiğdem flat, the Asmalı resort locations, such as, Sahipata caravanserais and bath, Laleli fountain, Ice Cave, Dort deresi and major monasteries are places to see over. Hazelnuts covered with forest Balaban, Dumra, Small and Large Kirazlı plateau is suitable for the plateau tourism.

In the east of the Inner Aegean region to the provincial centers Şuhut'un distance 29 km. 'Dir. County in 1946 was Şuhut. County's history goes back to the Neolithic Age to the Şuhut Hisar, Karaadilli, Kepirtepe Mound of the work is estimated to belong to this age. Hittites during the reign of Afyon and Kütahya provinces of the Kingdom depends Miranda as a principality Kuvalya'nın is known as the capital of Şuhut. In 1150 the Turkish domination in Central Asia Şuhut migration from the south by the Akanboyu Turks kurulmuştur.İlçenin area 983 km2, population is 63,137 in this case. The foundation stone of the district's economy is agriculture and animal husbandry sectors. About County usually wheat, barley, chickpeas, potatoes, sugar beet, sunflower, poppy, cherry is grown. Central districts and villages have many besihane. In the majority of yapılmaktadır Besihane fattening calves. In addition, many districts as possible, and chicken coop, poultry eggs are done. The hill fort (Synnada Höyüğü), be supplied thousands of rock tombs and the ancient settlements of Asmakaya Kale and Kayabelen ponds and lakes Selevir dams and the rest are mesirelik.

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